Back Packs 2008 took place on 28th September 2008 in Buea. This program reached out to about 30 kids from mostly the primary school while the Joseph and Heather Talbot Prize was awarded to Mr. Akembom Pascal, HINT’s Administrative Assistant and Manager of our Bonduma IT Centre for his selfless service to the people of Buea through HINT. This annual prize is given in memory of Joseph & Heather Talbot who volunteered selflessly at HINT for 12 months during 2006/2007
Without this support, many of these children will not be able to go to school and most of them will perform poorly in school.
After going through all the application forms four (5) qualified children were given full support for one year, while the rest received partial support depending on the needs they had put forth in their request. Unfortunately, we could not be of help to all the needy children identified due to our limited financial resources.
However, we wish to thank all who donated for Back Packs 2008 and hope that you will continue to support this program in the coming years. We raised just a little over FCFA 300,000 and spent a lot more than that. Thank you tot all our donors.