We would like to welcome Phebe Etchu our newest volunteer at HINT.
Phebe is an Economics Student at the University of Texas in Austin, USA and will be spending just 2 weeks with us.
During her time, we will be working together on a Business Management Seminar for young entrepreneurs. While the seminar is originally intended to benefit our current loan recipients, it will be open to the general public. Those in business or who are planning to go into business are advised to attend the seminar as valuable business success insights and tools will be delivered.
I will be coming alongside Phebe with knowledge I gathered from the Global Social Benefit Incubator (GSBI) at Santa Clara University, USA.
The seminar will run from Jan. 8-10, 2008 at BCC Auditorium in Buea.
Seminar Documentation:
Click to download Seminar Information
Click to download Registration Form
To contact Phebe by email: Phebe Etchu
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