We have listed below some of the projects for which you can make specific online donations. Thank you for considering to help us.
- Donate one or more Textbooks to our Community Library Project
- Help a poor youth gain IT Skills so that he/she can get a job and leap out of poverty.
- Help a poor orphan, youth or widow with a loan or grant for a small business
- Support our efforts towards contributing to stopping HIV/AIDS by 2015.
- Donate a Computer (US$ 50) to our Computers For Sustainability (CFS) Project.
Donate one or more Textbooks to our Community Library Project
HINT has set up a library to help provide school textbooks to orphans and children from very poor families, so that they can still be able to get a good education. The children borrow the books at the begining of the year, use them and return to the library so other children can borrow. Over 100 children have been helped already.
4,000FCFA (US$ 9.02 or GBP 5.03) will buy 1 textbook for 1 child.
32,000FCFA (US$ 72.13 or GBP 77.17) will buy all 8 necessary textbooks for 1 child
320,000FCFA (US$ 721.26 or GBP 402.26) will buy all 8 necessary textbooks for 10 children
You can donate online via PayPal or if you want to make a bank transfer, contact us for our account details in the UK or Cameroon. Learn more about our education projects. Thank you.
Help a poor youth gain IT Skills so that he/she can get a job and leap out of poverty.
Help a poor youth gain IT Skills so that he/she can get a job and leap out of poverty. More than 800 have been trained since 2005.
50,000FCFA (USD 105 or GBP 50) will train one unemployed youth,
500,000 FCFA (USD 1,051.81 or GBP 500) will train 10.
You can donate online via PayPal or if you want to make a bank transfer, contact us for our account details in the UK or Cameroon. Learn more about our ICT projects. Thank you.
Help a poor orphan, youth or widow with a loan or grant for a small business
HINT provides micro loans to unemployed youths so that they can start of grow their small businesses. These businesses provide employment that improves the socio-economic lives of the poor. Pictured here is Joshua who received a 50,000 FCFA (USD 105 or GBP 50) loan from HINT and started a cassava farm 2 years ago. He is now able to support himself and looks forward to supporting his family from his growing business.
Loans range from as small as 25,000 FCFA (USD 53 or GBP 25) to 100,000 FCFA (USD 200 or GBP 100)
We do not only provide loans but also training as well so that our beneficiaries can better manage their businesses.
Let us know if you can support many more entrepreneurs with a larger loan.
You can donate online via PayPal or if you want to make a bank transfer, contact us for our account details in the UK or Cameroon. Learn more about our economic development projects.Thank you.
Support our efforts towards contributing to stopping HIV/AIDS by 2015.
Part of our mission at HINT is to contribute to the global fight against HIV/AIDS. We do this by training HIV (Peer) Educators whwo are members of groups and who in turn will be able to educate their members. The trainees represent different groups of people in the society and the idea is to help them run HIV sensitisation seminars and campaigns among their own people.
HIV/AIDS in Cameroon in 2005
Adults aged 15-49 with HIV/AIDS = 470,000
New HIV infections, 2006 and Adult HIV prevalence (%) = 5.4
Women age 15-49 with HIV/AIDS = 290,000
Children with HIV/AIDS = 43,000 AIDS orphans (ages 0-17) = 240,000
AIDS deaths = 46,000
It costs us about USD 400 to run a seminar for 25 educators and covers food, transportation, manuals, related material… Consider supporting these seminars.
You can donate online via PayPal or if you want to make a bank transfer, contact us for our account details in the UK or Cameroon. Learn more about our health projects. Thank you.
Donate a computer to our Computers For Sustainabilty (CFS) Project.
HINT currently depends on spontaneous individuals and organisations of good will to donate to its work. None of these individuals of organisations have decided to support us on a long term basis. HINT does not have any permanent source of funds to support it charitable work. This is very delicate as we must continue with the projects we’ve started as well as expand to other communities.
Computers for Sustainability (CFS) has been designed to help establish a permanent and sustainable base of funds for the work of Helps International (HINT) in Cameroon and the rest of Africa.
Summarily we will ship 400 refurbished Pentium Computers (minimum Pentum III) from the USA (or UK) to Cameroon. The computers will then be exchanged for cash. proceeds from the sales will enable us to continue to make other shipments while the proceeds will then be used to support our charitable work. This way, you support us once and we do not have to keep asking for support from you, year-in year-out. Your USD 50 or more can impact generations to come!
It will cost us 20,000,000 CFA (XAF) (USD 41,797.28 or GBP 20,000) to ship 400 computers to Cameroon and sell them within a minimum of 6-8 months at the cost of 30,000,000 (USD 62,695.92 or GBP 30,000). 19,000,000 will be used to continue the business for the following year while 11,000,000 (USD 22,988.51) will then be used to support our projects annually.
So, we need 800 people (or less if you donate more than one computer) who will give USD 50 each by January 31, 2008. Join us in improving the lives of the poor through technology. Place your own stone on the foundation.
You can donate online via PayPal or if you want to make a bank transfer, contact us for our account details in the UK or Cameroon. Learn more about our ICT projects. Thank you.
Our partners for this project are:
Hope Outreach International Ministries (HOIM), Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA.
InterConection, Seattle, USA
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