For those of you who have lately perused the informative yet outdated pages of HINT’s website, you will have noticed that some changes have taken place; “some” being the operative word here, as the entire website has, in fact, been redesigned and updated. No more clicking through endless pages to find what you’re looking for. The vast array of information on HINT’s programs and mission has been condensed, so that over half of the original web pages have been removed from the website. We hope that this streamlining of information will help you better navigate our website to discover how you can best support HINT. The theme of the website has been updated; no more extra-terrestrial green windows. The new orange background better reflects HINT’s logo and mission: orange has always been the color of HINT, signifying the warmth and excitement we bring to people’s lives in our social mission. We have also fixed broken links and missing pictures, hoping to project the same professional face to the world online that we present to our community in the real world. If you have any suggestions or comments on the changes, feel free to contact us.
As part of our initiative to reach a greater online audience, and to communicate better with that online audience, HINT has created a Twitter account! We have now joined the millions of others connected online in the instant news cycle. HINT professionals pride themselves on being well-informed professionals; now we can share that knowledge with others. Follow us to remain up-to-date on HINT’s projects, meaningful news related to our missions, and retweets about our partners’ activities. We look forward to connecting with you online.
In revitalizing our online presence, we have linked our Twitter and Facebook accounts and also posted feeds to these pages on our website. Our supporters can now remain up-to-date by whichever medium of communication they wish! Those of us at HINT are incredibly excited to connect with you – in person or online – in 2015.
As always, if you would like to contact us, donate, or get involved, you can find us on: Twitter, Facebook, by email, or by contacting us online.
We wish you continued success in your social enterprises and endeavors in 2015! Together, we can improve our local (and global) communities.
Very well done Jessa. If you left left all that work to me, you can be sure that would hardly be done. Great job