This morning, we handed over our biggest ever computer lab project to the staff and administration of Government Technical High School, Molyko, Buea. The lab has 39 computers (36 from HINT and 3 from the school), two Switches and a specially configured server yet to arrive.
Photos are here:
We would like to thank the following organisation for their partnership in this project: Computers 4 Africa (UK), Develop Africa (USA). As I write this, I am thinking about a popular proverb in my dialect that says “A single hand cannot tie a bundle”. Its about partnership! We look forward to doing more in the future!
We would also like to thank the following volunteers for their tireless efforts in realising this project: Eric and Kristi Zan, Amber Shevin, Brandon Turner, Robert Arlt Jr and Andro Mandakovic. Eric & Kristi have especially worked so hard to get the GTHS lab up and going. Thank you very much. Also, John Jones and Jerry, part of the HINT team have also worked hard towards realisation of this project.
The next container arrives in a few days from the UK. We need volunteers and grants to help schools get the labs at very reduced cost. Anything you can do to get funds and volunteers will be much appreciated. Thank you.
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